______________________________________________________ Silicon Alley Daily -- Friday, June 23, 2000 Don't you get it? ______________________________________________________ CONTENTS News - Pseudo CEO Bohrman Announces Complete Site Overhaul, Axes 58 Staffers - Packing for a Move, 20 of UBO's IndiePlanet Staffers Are Told, Don't Bother - City Web Site: A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step - APB News Update: The Dog Is Near Death, But Its Teeth Are Still Sharp Alley Financing - Accelerator Fastwired Raises $3.2 Million in First Round Highlights from This Week's Pervasive Weekly - A Look at Handspring's IPO, and a Talk with AOL Mobile Prez Dennis Patrick Highlights From This Week's Digital Music Weekly - Ian Clarke Defends Freenet, and Sputnik7's Execs Discuss Their Venture Classifieds - Ad Sales Execs; Project Mgrs + Software Engineers; Director of Intl Biz Dev + Biz Dev Mgrs +; Project Mgr + Software Engineer; Javascript Dev; VP Product Mktg + Brand Mgr +; Dir, Copy + Research; Programmer/Developer; Dir of Recruiting; AD's + AS's + Managing Supervisors +; Web Dev + DB Programmer + CD; Executive Producer; Java Developers; Windows Developers; Senior Sales Execs; Sales Executive; Strategists + Info Architects + PR; Creative Director; Ad Sales Reps; For Sublease: Tribeca - NYC; For Lease: BrooklynHiTechCenter - NYC; For Lease: Grand Central Area - NYC; Event: E-Customer Forum-7/17+18 - SF; Event: Job Mob - 9/14 - NYC --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- Watch U2's Popmart Concert at Burst.com, beginning June 8. The concert features Burst's unique technology that delivers TV-quality video & audio online. Burst technology provides fans with the smoothest video-on-demand. See U2 in concert and see the advantages of bursting versus real-time streaming. Premieres June 8 and is available through June at http://U2.burst.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- NEWS Pseudo CEO Bohrman Announces Complete Site Overhaul, Axes 58 Staffers by Stacy Cowley When Pseudo staffers hear an announcement beckoning all to the company's sixth floor, they know big (and often ominous) changes are afoot. Early this afternoon, CEO David Bohrman gathered the troops to announce his plans for increasing the webcaster's output and centralizing its operations. Those plans also call for cutting 58 production positions and shuffling another 30 staffers into new jobs. Pseudo Programs currently webcasts about 40 hours of programming per week on 10 relatively independent themed channels, including 88HipHop, the All Games Network, BizTech 2000, and Streetsound. Bohrman's overhaul calls for dissolving the channel structure and introducing an overarching content umbrella called the Pseudo Center. A spokesperson describes Pseudo Center as "a freewheeling, streaming video entertainment environment hosted by an EJ. ... The idea is, come to Pseudo and you'll be guaranteed a live entertainment experience." Pseudo Center will begin broadcasting next month from noon till midnight, Monday though Friday; it will eventually transition to round-the-clock broadcasting. Meanwhile, Pseudo's channel-based content creation teams will begin creating "Pseudo Psegments": short, daily pieces on their topic areas that will be integrated into Pseudo Center's coverage. According to spokesperson Jeanne Meyer, the 58 eliminated positions are primarily in production: camera operators, writers, stagehands, production assistants, staffers from Pseudo's set shop, and others whose jobs become redundant under the new centralized production system. Another 30 positions will be revamped; Meyer said those staffers will be "transitioning, physically, where they are and what they do." The cuts abolish slightly over 16 percent of Pseudo's 200-plus workforce. Corporate functions, such as business development and ad sales, were not affected. The format changes will increase Pseudo's airtime, an important step in upping its revenue from ad sales. Pseudo has grown haphazardly since its founding five years ago as a chat community on Prodigy; the company introduced streaming audio in 1995 and video in 1997, but remained a fairly chaotic collection of edgy, offbeat shows with little hope of turning a profit. Last year, Pseudo brought in Larry Lux as CEO to strengthen the company's business model and position it for an IPO. But Lux resigned his post just nine months later in November 1999; clashes with Pseudo's notoriously flamboyant founder, Josh Harris, reportedly doomed Lux from the start. CNNfn's David Bohrman accepted the chief executive slot in January 1999. "This [change] is really about David Bohrman's vision," Meyer said today. "This is about not being a traditional TV company on the Internet, which is what many have tried and everyone has failed at doing." That was a theme Bohrman repeated often today, both in the staff-wide meeting and in smaller meetings with individual content teams throughout the afternoon. "At the end of this, we will be truer to our original vision," he told one group. "We are not TV; we are much bigger. Otherwise, it's DEN all over again." DEN all over again is exactly what staffers are worried about--several said they suspect Pseudo isn't far from a similar collapse. One content producer said he senses that even Bohrman doesn't know what shape Pseudo Center will take; he thinks the restructuring is a last-ditch effort to save the company. Media Metrix shows no reportable traffic for the past three months, which means Pseudo.com is attracting less than 200,000 unique users per month. Bohrman reportedly told staffers that Pseudo "is going to be a start-up again." Many employees not axed were told that the future of their positions' is uncertain. Pseudo canceled all programs scheduled for today; Meyer confirmed that the site's live programming will remain dark for at least a week while staffers focus on creating Pseudo Center. Morale at the company is low, according to several employees. Following the staff-wide meeting, Bohrman spent the afternoon meeting with content teams and detailing the layoffs. Another company-wide meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Pseudo made its name on bizarre shows featuring anything-goes discussions of kinky sex and other oddities of human nature. In recent months, the site's offerings have become more mainstream. A multimillion dollar investment from the NFL Quarterback Club funded the site's new football channel; in late May, Pseudo received $14 million from a consortium of investors led by LVMH's media unit, Desfosses International. The company has also recently ramped up its Pseudo Politics channel and hired New York Post veteran Gersh Kuntzman as its editorial director. Later this summer, Pseudo's politics crew will be broadcasting from the Democratic and Republican parties' conventions, an important milestone for Net journalism. But mainstream credibility comes with a price, and in the last year, droves of legacy staffers have left Pseudo. If Bohrman does succeed in finally turning Pseudo into a sustainable business, it may only be by reinventing the company so completely that its original vision disappears. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- www.wirelessdeveloper.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- Packing for a Move, 20 of UBO's IndiePlanet Staffers Are Told, Don't Bother by Leo Jakobson Urban Box Office's IndiePlanet site was hit with a second round of 20 firings today, leaving several of its 14 channels unstaffed and others down to one or two editors apiece, according to insiders. That's on top of about 20 other layoffs over the last month and a half, according to several current and former IndiePlanet staffers who asked that their names not be used. UBO's total staff, once over 250, is reportedly down to around 150. In a post-layoff staff meeting/pep talk today at the Bowlmor bowling alley, IndiePlanet's remaining editors and producers were told "we have to prove ourselves" in the next few weeks. The executive producer and senior producer of IndiePlanet both resigned after today's layoffs, one fired staffer said. The Daily was unable to reach them for comment. Artist content/community/commerce site IndiePlanet is one of the highest-profile properties of UBO's urban culture content network. The company develops properties through a mixture of internal creation and acquisition; IndiePlanet was one of its first home-brewed concoctions. "The atmosphere around here is bad. They're tanking solidly," said one of IndiePlanet's remaining editors. "I'm guessing that in three to four weeks, [UBO] will shut it all down." If not, the editor predicted the site will be completely restructured, getting rid of the channels altogether. Calling IndiePlanet's unique viewer numbers too low and its marketing effort "non-existent," that editor asked, "Where have you ever seen our name?" The fired producer said, "UBO treated IndiePlanet like bad second cousin," claiming none of its channels had ever had a formal budget. Whatever problems UBO may or may not be having, a shortage of cash seems unlikely. The company raised $16 million in a second VC round led by Flatiron Partners in February, and had a $17.5 million third round led by Quetzal/Chase Capital Partners in April. The staff cuts came on the day UBO moved its remaining staffers from their overcrowded, un-airconditioned offices on far West 26th Street to temporary digs on West 31st Street at Sixth Avenue, while waiting for their permanent offices in Harlem to be built [see "Extending the Alley," Silicon Alley Reporter issue 34]. Citing rumored tensions between UBO and its former landlords in the popular Starrett-Lehigh building, the ex-IndiePlanet producer said the company's lease had ended in March. When police officers arrived this morning to investigate a misdelivered package that someone at UBO had apparently signed for, rumors briefly flew that the company was being physically evicted. Marketing VP David Watkins, caught on his way out of the jumbled but empty-of-staff offices on the 12th floor of 601 W. 26th Street, refused to comment, saying that UBO would make a statement on Monday or Tuesday. Watkins did confirm that UBO and IndiePlanet had planned to move to West 31st Street "for several months," and that the move to Harlem was going forward. UBO investors from Flatiron Partners and Chase Capital Partners did not return calls by press time seeking comment. No editorial staffers are left in IndiePlanet's sports channel, one ex-staffer confirmed. The non-profit, sex, and culture sites are also rumored to have been left without staff. Art, film and style sections reportedly have only one person left; the fantasy and music sections are down to two. None of those numbers are confirmed. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- Digital Coast 2000 Conference www.digitalcoast2000.com September 12-14, 2000 - Los Angeles - The Director's Guild of America Focusing on the Southern California Internet, New Media & Convergence Industries SPONSORS: Cysive, DotTV, eTour, iBeam Broadcasting, Latham & Watkins, LoadMedia, Redwood Partners, Razorfish,Zentropy Partners, TellSoft, VEON, Firstlook, Cruelworld, Communities.com, RadicalMail, Favemail, The One.com, Studley, Deloitte & Touche, Stan Lee Media, Akamai, Evoke, Xceed and Shockwave.com. Sponsorship Inquiries contact: Shannon Flammer-VP, West Coast Sales shannon@siliconalleyreporter.com 310.899.0603 Keith Long-VP East Coast Sales keith@siliconalleyreporter.com 212.475.8000x128 --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- City Web Site: A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step by Leo Jakobson The city's eGovernment Initiative marched forward today with the announcement that the New York City URL had been changed to something non-Unix fans might actually remember. The old site, http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us has been reborn as the far more user-friendly www.nyc.gov, formerly the website of Public Advocate Mark Green. "The City's award-winning website now has a new domain name--NYC.gov," Mayor Giuliani said at the site's unveiling today. "Just as the City's website continues to make the site easier for people to access City information and services, NYC.gov now makes the site easier to find." Which is a nice, and necessary, first step. At a New York New Media Association meeting several months ago, newly appointed Budget Commissioner Adam Barsky was unable to remember his e-mail address, telling this reporter the first part but blanking on "that stuff after the 'at' sign." Still, one gets the sense the city hasn't quite "gotten" it yet. After a laundry list of services available on NYC.gov, from paying parking tickets to requesting a copy of your birth certificate, the press release announcing the name change notes: "On the site there is information on a wide range of topics such as: residential trash and recycling collection days for a specific New York City address." To find your building's trash schedule, this reporter discovered, one has to jump to the Department of Sanitation site from a pull down list of "services & agencies." From there, find the "Collection Schedule" link. That presents you with a choice of going to the form or choosing "Help For First Time Users." What follows the latter link is a set of instructions for disabling your browser caching option. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- June 27 - 29 New York City's Premiere Internet Summit www.risingtidesummit.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- APB News Update: The Dog Is Near Death, But Its Teeth Are Still Sharp APBNews.com won a moral victory yesterday, as it began posting the 1998 financial disclosure forms of 800 federal judges after suing the federal judiciary to obtain them. The remaining half of the 1,600 judges' files are expected shortly, according to APBNews.com. The first nine, posted almost immediately Thursday night, belonged to the US Supreme Court. While the judiciary has been collecting these forms since 1978 and disseminating them to the public--upon request by someone willing to identify themselves--APBNews.com's request was initially refused because of their intention to post the forms on the Web. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- Develop your future managers - hire a NYNMA intern! NYNMA has screened 200 candidates from more than 800 applicants to participate in this exclusive program. Each candidate is responsible, hardworking, & successful -- their skills include IT, networking, hardware, web research, administrative and communication skills. $8-$15 an hour - $500 per intern placement fee. Interview students now by contacting www.nynma-internship.org. or e-mail Vicki Dawson at v.dawson@jalssid.com. Join other industry leaders who have hired NYNMA interns -- StarMedia, Reader's Digest, Pfizer, BeBusy.com and more. --------------------------ADVERTISEMENT -------------------------- ALLEY FINANCING Accelerator Fastwired Raises $3.2 Million in First Round Fastwired, an Alley-based accelerator in pursuit of post-seed, pre-first round start-ups, closed its first round of funding this week for $3.2 million. The financing was led by New York-based software company Information Builders, and included several angel contributions. Geared toward highly accelerated development, Fastwired's business model calls for supplying fledgling businesses with a mixed bag of capital and business-nurturing strategy, all in the name of establishing sustainable growth. Fastwired's goal is to help its portfolio companies build market traction faster, and better prepare them for their next round of financing, according to Peter Menges, senior VP of business development. "As an accelerator, as opposed to an incubator, we specialize in providing business development and sales and marketing expertise--we're more focused," he said. "Traditionally, incubators provide a broader spectrum of services that we're just not interested in. ...We offer a little cash to allow for some breathing room, and specific guidance to prepare companies for the long term and, more importantly, their first round of funding." Fastwired offers seed financing of $250,000 to $500,000, and specific services aimed to bridge the seed-to-first-round gap. "We look for companies that are very strong in e-commerce enabling technologies and have a lot of strong technologists, but shallow marketing and development talent," Menges said. "We compliment their skill set--they need a little cash, but they need a little help shaping a non-technology foundation too." To date, Fastwired's portfolio includes Pop-Up Shop, an e-commerce solution provider; Statswizard, a sports statistics analysis and tracking system; and pre-launch MyCollegeFund.com, an outlet for friends and family to contribute online to an individual's college fund. "These guys did not take over my company like many incubators wanted to do, rather, they provided specific marketing and business development help to really position Pop-Up Shop for long term success," said Tej Kohli, Pop-Up Shop CEO, in a prepared statement. Founded in January 2000, Fastwired currently employs 10 people and is in the process of raising more investment capital. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com ..................................................................... HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS WEEK'S PERVASIVE WEEKLY A Look at Handspring's IPO, and a Talk with AOL Mobile Prez Dennis Patrick The wireless world is expanding fast, but companies jumping on board are still looking for revenue streams. Will wireless companies be able to subsidize costs through advertising? In this issue, Pervasive Weekly looks at wireless advertising models as the first mobile ads start rolling out. Check out this week's interview with AOL Mobile President Dennis Patrick to see why he thinks the Internet will be the killer app of the wireless world. Also, Pervasive Weekly looks at Handspring's IPO and breaks down the week in wireless deals. For this week's issue, or to subscribe, visit www.pervasiveweekly.com. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com ..................................................................... HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS WEEK'S DIGITAL MUSIC WEEKLY Ian Clarke Defends Freenet, and Sputnik7's Execs Discuss Their Venture Efforts by New York-based EverAd to boost the number of people using its proprietary PlayJ file format went awry this week, after a promotional offering of Bruce Springsteen tunes kicked up a decades-old controversy regarding ownership of those songs. Freenet founder Ian Clarke faced a fiery string of questions this week from Digital Coast CEOs at a Rising Tide Studios-sponsored dinner. The 23-year-old stood his ground, defending anonymity and freedom of information on the Internet. This week's issue of Digital Music Weekly also includes a two-part interview with Island Records founder Chris Blackwell, who is now the chairman of Sputnik7, and Sputnik7 CEO David Beal. Editor Mark Rinzel breaks down this week's announcements in the digital music space--find out what's news and what's pure fluff. For a look at what happened with digital music stocks this week, check out the stock chart, and see who's leading the traffic battle in the Media Metrix top five music sites. To subscribe to DM Weekly, send a blank e-mail to dmw-html on@sar.exactis.com or visit the site at www.digitalmusicweekly.com. Feedback: mailto:letters@siliconalleyreporter.com ..................................................................... CLASSIFIEDS Sweepsclub.com Seeks Advertising Sales Executives - NYC + LA Sweepsclub.com (www.sweepsclub.com), a dynamic pre-IPO incentive based Internet company that's experiencing rapid growth, seeks accomplished advertising sales executives. This is an opportunity to joing the sales team of one of the internet's fastest growing websites. All applicants must have national ad sales experience selling to Fortune 500 companies and Ad Agencies, 2-3 years of verifiable dot.com sales experience, well established prospect/client following. Fast paced rewarding atmosphere. Phone sales (but not telemarketing), client presentations, some travel. Great package, benefits, etc. Please e-mail resume to mrona@sweepsclub.com or call 212-633-0123 and ask for Marc. EOE. No recruiters - please. Icon Nicholson Seeks Project Managers and Software Engineers - NYC Icon Nicholson (www.icon-nicholson.com), the NYC office of global e-business consultancy, Icon Medialab (www.iconmedialab.com), is seeking talented engineers to work with cutting-edge technologies creating leading B2B, B2C and wireless applications. Icon Nicholson gives you the opportunity to work with clients such as Volkswagen, Sony, Gifts.com, Chubb Insurance and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our NYC (SOHO) office is seeking qualified technical project managers and software engineers of all experience levels to work on high profile global e-business initiatives. Requirements include: technical project manager with experience managing technical web projects encompassing e-business and application development, and engineers with expertise in internet development technologies, including xml, HTML, C++, and Java, NT or Unix environment.Click this link for full details http://www.iconmedialab.com/default/jobs/index.asp - and please send your resume to the attention of Jason Dellinger jdellinger@nny.com or give a call to 212- 274 0470 - and definitely check out our sites! TellSoft Seeks a Director of International Business Development, Geographic Account Managers, and Biz Dev Managers - SF, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Denver and (Company HQ in ) Colorado Springs TellSoft Technologies (www.tellsoft.com), a pre-IPO Colorado Springs based company that develops product and ASP solutions that enable customers to utilize the most pervasive personal appliance, the telephone, to create, broadcast and archive live audio to the Internet, seeks additional team members to join our rapidly expanding, dynamic work team. We are currently looking for an international director of biz development, channel managers, biz dev managers, inside sales manager, geographic sales account managers,and marketing professionals. We offer competitive compensation, in-house video game rooms, workout center, casual work environment, great benefits and stock package, and a highly creative and fun work environment. If you are great at what you do, love to dominate in your field and want to work for a market leader, contact us at jobs@tellsoft.com. Positions are based in the cities above, at company HQ in Colorado Springs, CO and other major markets throughout the US and International scene. Icon Nicholson Seeks an E-Commerce Project Manager and a Software Engineer - NYC Icon Nicholson (www.icon-nicholson.com), the NYC office of global e-business consultancy, Icon Medialab (www.iconmedialab.com), is seeking talented engineers to work with cutting-edge technologies creating leading B2B, B2C and wireless applications. Icon Nicholson gives you the opportunity to work with clients such as Volkswagen, Sony, Gifts.com, Chubb Insurance and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our NYC office is seeking qualified technical project managers and software engineers of all experience levels to work on high profile global e-business initiatives. Requirements include: technical project manager with experience managing technical web projects encompassing e-business and application development, and engineers with expertise in internet development technologies, including xml, HTML, C++, and Java, NT or Unix environment.Click this link for full details http://www.iconmedialab.com/default/jobs/index.asp - and please send your resume to the attention of Jason Dellinger jdellinger@nny.com or give a call to 212- 274 0470---and definitely check out our sites! The Wall Street Journal Online Seeks a Javascript Developer - NYC Are you the best JavaScript developer you know? Love building web products using JavaScript, dhtml, flash, and/or Java? At the WSJ online, we are looking for a javascript developer - someone who wants to be on the cutting edge of website design and building. As the largest subscription based website, WSJ.com has revolutionized how people track the financial world. To take the next leap forward, we need top web interface talent. If you are that talent, we should talk. We seek developers who live and breathe web design. You should have at least 2-3 years experience designing and building navigational schemes relying on dhtml and JavaScript, solid understanding of the DOM and OO programming, and firmly understand web technologies in general. Experience with perl, cgi, python, XML and SQL is helpful. This is NOT an entry-level position. We want people with experience at other .com organizations building web products that impressed everyone who saw them. We believe that designing and building the web is a skill and an art; do you? Please e-mail michael.kiley@dowjones.com - and reference job #62478. Net2Phone Seeks Senior Marketing and Product Management Personnel - NYC Net2Phone (NASDAQ: NTOP) (www.net2phone.com) is seeking experienced Internet professionals to play a pivotal role in the development of a start-up division dedicated to building and marketing next generation Internet voice communication services to consumers and small businesses. Seeking a VP product marketing and brand manager to manage web properties and lead our consumer marketing efforts. Also seeking a director of product management, product manager and product research manager. These individuals will be strategic thinkers who are able to translate high level vision into bringing successful products to market. All candidates must have a background in product management or development, the ability to lead cross-functional teams and have at least 12-18 months of relevant Internet experience. All positions include salary, bonus and options in a public company with over a $2 billion market cap. Please submit your resume to portal@net2phone.com and indicate the position you are applying for in the subject line. 360HipHop.Com Seeks a Director, Copy + Research - NYC 360HipHop.com (www.360hiphop.com), the internet's fastest growing entertainment destination targeting hip-hop music, lifestyle and culture is seeking a director, copy chief with 2+ years of copyediting experience. Strong writing background. Responsible for overall site content quality assurance. This person will manage copy editors/QA people, and read all copy and headlines appearing on the site, flagging troublesome content for review by Chief Creative Officer and/or legal. This position also edits/writes the homepage copy and other promotional materials. Controls the site Style Guide. Interested candidates should e-mail their resumes including salary requirements to jcooley@rs1winc.com. MarketingInfo.com Seeks a Programmer/Developer - NYC MarketingInfo.com, the world's online marketing community, backed by the industry's two leading organizations, seeks a programmer/web application developer with at least 1 year of programming experience. Candidates must be familiar with MS Windows NT/Windows 2000 system administration, IIS administration and web application development. Applicants will have some knowledge of cold fusion programming - or be willing to learn. Java knowledge is a definite advantage. Duties will include updating and enhancing the web application for a B2B exchange website and assisting in web and email systems maintenance and administration. Some LAN administration may also be required. For additional information send resume or inquiries to jobs@marketinginfo.com. Mimeo.com Seeks a Director of Recruiting - NYC Mimeo.com (www.mimeo.com), a Hewlett-Packard backed start up, seeks an experienced director of recruiting. You will have 4+ years experience as a technical recruiter, a thorough understanding of software languages, concepts, tools, and approaches, the ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment, knowledge of and experience with employment laws and acceptable hiring practices, experience with Internet recruiting sites and databases, excellent customer service, verbal, and written communication skills, and the ability to write concise job descriptions and then find the talent through any means necessary. You will develop and maintain a network of candidates, assessing their potential and skills via proper resume screening, telephone and in-person interviews, and reference checks. You will take candidates through all stages of recruiting and negotiate compensation, relocation when appropriate, and certain employment terms and conditions. We offer a very comprehensive salary, equity & benefits package. E-mail resumes to recruiting@mimeo.com. Grey Interactive Seeks Account Directors, Managing Supervisors, Account Supervisors and more - NYC Recently named one of the top ten Interactive Agencies Grey Interactive (www.greyinteractive.com) is looking for extraordinary people *account directors/managing supervisors/account supervisors -Interactive experience a must as is a true strategic background and should be savvy in leading the business as well as the client * creative - high end with multiple experience designing web sites, must have URL's to show * senior producer - must have experience as a producer in the interactive arena, handling responsibilities such as time lining, budgeting, scheduling and estimating; e-commerce and complex projects a must * information architects - work with the client team, develop site strategies, coordinate content, handle all user interface design * PR - highly entrepreneurial, must have previous new media agency/client side experience * biz dev -looking for aggressive individual with proven track record and solid understanding of our space. Please send all replies to jobs@greyinteractive.com - No phones or fax - please. IllusionFusion! Seeks a Web Developer, Database Programmer and a Creative Director - NYC IllusionFusion! (www.illusionfusion.com) seeks a Web developer to develop client side code Exp with HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Flash, streaming and non-streaming multimedia - system admin skills should include Flash, Perl, ASP XML, DOM, Dreamweave graphics optimization. Please have 2-3 years experience and related degree is prefered. Also seeking a database programmer for multi-platform web application development. Experience with Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, C++, Java, ODBC, JDBC, PHP,Windows NT, UNIX; 2-3 years of relational database experience and a related degree prefered. Also seeking a creative director for strategic planning, client relations, budgeting, project scheduling, team building and management. Should have a minimum of 7 years advertising experience in a creative leadership role and at least 3 years experience directly managing multiple reports; 3 years experience designing for the Web; BFA prefered. Please e-mail resumes to HR@Illusionfusion.com or fax to 212 689-2555 Attn: Human Resources. Nibblebox Seeks an Executive Director, Web Developer, DBA Developer, Director of Network Operations and a Video Engineer - NYC Nibblebox (www.nibblebox.com), a fast-growing broadband entertainment content company founded by leading entertainment industry figures including the Director of "Swingers," "Go" and the former prez of NBC Studios and funded by leaders in the entertainment, net and education industries seeks an executive producer who will lead a team of web developers and producers. S/he will oversee the look and feel and functionality of the site; manage developers and coordinate with technical production, engineering and marketing to develop concepts and manage creation and on-going development of the website; manage and oversee all workflow and production for the website, including project planning and development, deployment scheduling, HTML scheduling, and overall project management. S/he will be a key member of our creative team and will be integral to developing the user experience surrounding the broadband content and must have experience creating web products from inception through integration and launch and be able to understand how new products and services affect both the user experience and the site as a whole; experience working with entertainment/media companies and/or experience developing for the college audience a plus. We're also seeking a Web developer, a DBA dev, director of network ops and a video engineer. Please send resumes to marilyn@nibblebox.com nano Needs Awesome Java Developers - NYC If you are a "java guru", and would like to apply your Java programming skills to the Internet/Technology industry, then nano (www.nano.com) has an exciting career opportunity we think you will love! We are seeking Java developers who enjoys a creative environment, flexible hours, and cutting edge technology. The ideal Java programmer will possess the following skill sets and experiences: Unix Shell Scripting, Enterprise Java Beans, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Java Servlets, JSP, C++ is a plus, Knowledge JNI, Linux is a plus, and Knowledge XML. If you possess the Java Programming skills and the experience in developing web applications that our client is looking for, as well as excellent communication skills, you are sure to be a shoe in at Nano!If you are interested in the senior-level Java Developer positions, please e-mail all resumes as an MS Word attachment to jobs@nano.com. Please include HR/JD in the subject heading. nano Needs Windows Developers - NYC If you are a Windows developer and would like to apply your skills to the Internet/Technology industry, then nano (www.nano.com) has an exciting career opportunity we think you will love! We are seeking Windows Developers who enjoys a creative environment, flexible hours, and cutting edge technology. The ideal Developer will possess the following skill sets and experiences: MS Windows 9x/NT/2000 (Win32), C++/Visual C++/MFC/COM/ATL, Strong GUI front-end development with client/server experience, Internet/networking experience (IE WebBrowser control, WinInet, HTTP, HTML, XML/XSL a big plus! Please e-mail all resumes as an MS Word attachment. Please include HR/WD in the subject heading. Net2Phone Seeks Senior Sales Personnel - NYC + SF Net2Phone (NASDAQ: NTOP) (www.net2phone.com) is seeking experienced Internet sales professionals to play a pivotal role in the development of a start-up division dedicated to monetizing users engage in the use of our next generation Internet voice communication services. We are seeking a west coast sales manager and senior and junior sales personnel in NYC/SF and a director of advertising operations in NYC. These individuals will be strategic thinkers who are able to translate high level vision into sales. All candidates must have a direct management, senior level sales and/or advertising operations experience to apply. At least 12-18 months of relevant Internet experience is a priority. All positions include salary, commissions, yearly bonuses and options with the industry leader, with a $2 billion market cap. Please submit your resume to adsales@net2phone.com and indicate the position you are applying for in the subject line. Weberize Seeks a Sale Executive/E-Business Guide - NYC Weberize (www.weberize.com) is setting a new standard for employee and client retention in the interactive agency world and we're seeking a sales executive/e-business guide. If you have successful sales experience in the interactive industry, but you crave the culture and value proposition of a pre-IPO agency, then Weberize is the place for you. Candidates should have a proven record of meeting or exceeding sales targets, strong closure skills, proposal writing skills, and a consultative and solution oriented sales style. If you have a BS/BA degree and 2+ years of sales experience in an interactive agency environment, email your resume to careers@weberize.com. Fusebox Seeks Business Strategists, Information Architects and a Public Relations Director - NYC Are you looking for a company where you can learn and grow in a dynamic, creative, collaborative environment? Do you want an alternative to the Media Mill Mentality? Fusebox (www.fusebox.com) is a quickly evolving Internet communications firm that provides innovative brand and Internet strategies, information architecture, design, and technology services for a wide range of clients, including Fortune 100 and start-up companies. We need people with solid experience and a passion for their work to add to our team. We are currently seeking business strategists, Information architects, and a public relations director. Please visit our site for more information, and forward your letter and resume (pdf preferred) with URLs to careers@fusebox.com. IN2 Seeks a Creative Director - NYC IN2 (www.in2.com) seeks a creative director with the desire and ability to take both the client and the agency to the "next level". Candidate needs to be a strategic thinker with strong tactical and technical abilities who'll provide vision, direction and mentoring to a core creative team. A visionary who understands a client's brand, business model, and marketing strategy, you'll recommend and implement creative solutions that are on target and on strategy. You'll have 5+ years experience in advertising, direct response, and/or at an interactive agency, plus superior communication, technological, presentation, organizational, and managerial skill set. Send resume to jobs@in2.com. EOE ARTISTdirect Seeks Advertising Sales Representatives - NYC + LA + SF + Chicago ARTISTdirect(www.artistdirect.com)a leader in the online music space, is seeking experienced professional advertising sales representatives in the New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago areas to be part of our fast growing national sales team. Qualified candidates will have sold web, print, radio or television advertising to national accounts. Five years advertising sales including two years Internet experience preferred. We are looking for proven sales professionals to look beyond the banner. If you are looking for an opportunity to grow with a fun, exciting, fast-paced music Internet company then please send your resume to hr@artistdirect.com. Tribeca Office for Sublet - NYC Large, spacious, well lit loft - 3,300 usable square feet - 2 private offices, large conference room, 2 balconies, 3 bathrooms, skylight, move-in condition. T1 access included in rent. Available August 1. Please contact allan@knitmedia.com, or call 212-219-3006 x421. 70,000 Square Feel Available in Large Loft Building - Brooklyn, NYC We are converting 70,000 square feet in a large loft building directly across from the Williamsburg Bridge into a modern office building. We have 20,000 square feet per floor - concrete floors, 24 hour accessibility, 24 hour security, fiber optic available directly to suite, totally unobstructed roof available for satellite and/or antenna equipment, dedicated elevator available to large tenant. Accessible by subway/bus and there's a large parking lot in the rear of the building. For more info, please visit us at www.brooklynhitechcenter.com or call us at 718-388-6500. Prime Office Space For Lease - Grand Central Location - Available Immediately - NYC We are offering approximately 2700 square feet of prime office space in the Grand Central area. Its a unique turn-key, shared occupancy situation. Available immediately, includes receptionist, telephones, furniture, fax and copier. Great opportunity for start up! Available Immediately. Please contact Mark at 212-949-8875, or e-mail erichards@freesol.com. No brokers - please. Amerian Bankers Association and Business Week Present - E-Customer Forum - July 17 + 18 - SF The E-Customer Forum: July 17-18, 2000, San Francisco, CA Co-presented by American Bankers Association and Business Week is an executive-level briefing that will feature a special keynote presentation from Debra Rossi,Wells Fargo and Janet Crane, Billpoint and eBay, as well as insights from: James Rager, Royal Bank of Canada; Thomas Brown, Second Curve Capital; Gary Craft, Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, Gayle Crowell, E.piphany; Art Kranzley, MasterCard Int.; Robert Wruble, Ask Jeeves; Dan Rosensweig, ZDNet; Lon Otremba, Mail.com; Chan Suh, Agency.com and more. Call 1-800-BANKERS or visit www.aba.com for details. Recruit For Techs and Creatives and Marketers and More at The Job Mob - September 14, 2000 - NYC The Job Mob (www.job-mob.com) is the ultimate recruiting event exclusively for dot.com companies. Positions include technical, creative, production, sales and marketing, content, business development, and management. Our unique pre-screening strategy provides a higher ratio of qualified applicants attending the show than would be found at a typical job fair. The event will be held at 1 World Trade Center, Mezzanine Level, New York City, on Thursday, September 14, 2000 from 10:00am to 6:30pm. Visit us at www.job-mob.com; or call 212-829-5784 or e-mail us at info@job-mob.com. This event is sponsored by NYNMA, iPrint.com, AlleyEvent.com, iXL, DigitalNewYork, and New York Digital Industry. ______________________________________________________ Silicon Alley Daily Staff Editorial Jason McCabe Calacanis, Editor & CEO editor@siliconalleyreporter.com Stacy Cowley, Managing Editor, Silicon Alley Daily stacy@siliconalleyreporter.com Amy Haimerl, Managing Editor, Silicon Alley Reporter amy@siliconalleyreporter.com Betsy Morgan, Executive Editor, Silicon Alley Reporter betsy@siliconalleyreporter.com Brooke Wirtschafter, Managing Editor, Digital Coast Reporter & Weekly brooke@siliconalleyreporter.com Mark London Williams, Executive Editor, Digital Coast Reporter & Weekly mlw@siliconalleyreporter.com Catherine Calacanis, Editor, iHealthcareWeekly cathie@siliconalleyreporter.com Mark Rinzel, Editor, Digital Music Weekly mark@siliconalleyreporter.com Brian Orsak, Managing Editor, Pervasive Weekly brian@siliconalleyreporter.com Kirin Kalia, Editor-at-Large kirin@siliconalleyreporter.com Staff Writers Anna Dorfman (Digital Coast; anna@digitalcoastreporter.com), CJ Hughes (cj@siliconalleyreporter.com), Leo Jakobson (leo@siliconalleyreporter.com), Brian Morrissey (brianm@siliconalleyreporter.com) Associate Editors David Alm (davida@siliconalleyreporter.com), Jill Hunter (jill@siliconalleyerporter.com), Andy Pelander (andy@siliconalleyreporter.com) Rachel Seligman, Copy Chief rachel@siliconalleyreporter.com Business, Advertising & Sales Karol Martesko-Fenster, President/RTS & Publisher SAR/DCR Keith Long, VP, East Coast Sales & Marketing keith@siliconalleyreporter.com Zach Bayer, East Coast Account Manager zach@siliconalleyreporter.com Shannon Flammer, VP, West Coast Sales & Marketing shannon@siliconalleyreporter.com Maggie Chun, West Coast Account Manager maggie@siliconalleyreporter.com Kimberly Gursey, West Coast Account Manager kim@siliconalleyreporter.com Ken Bauco, Online Account Executive kenb@siliconalleyreporter.com Linda Miller, Classified Sales linda@siliconalleyreporter.com For a complete Rising Tide Studios masthead, please visit http://www.siliconalleyreporter.com/dailyfaq.html Don't miss our upcoming events: Rising Tide Summit III, June 27-29 Digital Coast 2000, September 12-14 ______________________________________________________ To subscribe to our print magazine please visit http://www.siliconalleyreporter.com/subscription.html SAR welcomes feedback at letters@siliconalleyreporter.com. 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